Oh Look! An Art of Possibility Studios article scavenger hunt!
(You'll find us on p.34).
We're doing our part to stimulate the economy by having a kid paint the entire interior of the house. A sunny yellow living space and cool sage resting spaces will enhance our lives and keep someone out of work in motion while the downturn trundles along. The thing about having your house painted? It's like moving cross country, one room at a time.
Unlike moving cross country, though, there's no "stop" to your life while your brother-in-law drives the truck from sea to shining sea. Instead daily life continues amidst a hubbub of home furnishings and the chaos of cardboard boxes. Compounding the drop cloth drama is a home-based business, so I get no reprieve from the tumult while I'm at work all day.
And with Surtex and Licensing just around the corner my work load skyrockets so I have a lovely aerial view of the pandemonium I hath wrought.
I just took three paragraphs to say "I'm busy."
As such, expect bloggus interruptus; less frequent posts while I ride the wave of commerce (my economy is booming, frankly. I keep costs low and work like a field hand and y'know? Art of Possibility is doing o-kay) but I'll tweet the big deals and hope to post when interesting ideas catch my imagination.
Friendships may or may not translate into good business, but good business invariably grows into lasting friendships.
I'd like to introduce another upstart, friendly, fun, artist-founded company to the growing list of friends of Art of Possibility: Sandy Parker's Phenominoes®. Sandy founded Deep in the ART of Texas to create affordable, wearable art and generate jobs in her community, a place I lovingly described as "not California."
Sandy found my work online, called, and we just love one another's unique, independent goals and are now working at the intersection of those objectives, making both Art of Possibility and Phenominoes better for the shared effort.

We chose 27 different great paintings by George Mendoza and me for our first collection. Each domino pendant has a cleverly designed hook so you can easily transfer it onto other necklaces to add a little play to any ensemble.